
iFLOAT Arancha 740x400

Arancha uses her iFLOAT Powered Assist everyday. That is why we thought she would be a great candidate to share her experience. Continue ready below to learn more about her personal experience with the arm support.

Hi Arancha, why did you choose this arm support?

The main reason is because the Powered Assist is very light and compact, allowing me to easily transfer them from my bed to my wheelchair and vice versa.

What do you use the arm support for?

I’ve been using two iFLOAT Powered Assists for over a year now and I can use them for almost anything. But for me personally the greatest benefit is that they allow me to reach higher while constantly supporting my shoulders, enabling me to do my own grocery shopping for example without dislocating my shoulders. They’re also very useful when I’m on my phone and when I’m performing dance moves at choir practise.

Would you recommend the arm support to someone else?

Yes, most definitely!


It is a great device, that works perfectly. Also the service you provide is very pleasant, solving issues for example* (due to her condition, Arancha uses her arm supports in a special setup).

What would you like to improve on the iFLOAT Powered Assist?

Personally I would like a little more reach, since I have more upper body control than others. But I’ve seen the new iFLOAT has an improved reach and no more loose cables, which is good.

Arancha, 25